We are getting ready for District 15 meeting Tuesday 11 February 2025. I did a review of the number of members who have been moved to Post Ever Lasting. From February first, 2024, to 30 January 2025, Post 3 {District 15} lost 64 members.
2025 Renewals:
Having lost these 64 members means that we are already behind when working on our 2025 membership goal. Just to maintain our current membership we need to sign up 64 new or former members. A member who has not paid their dues for two years counts as a new member.
For those who have yet renewed for 2025, your 2024 membership card expired as of 31 December 2024. As of January first, you were classified as expired, you will stop receiving The Legion magazine, and you could be denied entry into a Legion Club. Those who are in the Legion Insurance program, your coverage also ended as of 31st of December 2024. You must be a member in good standing to be covered.
I want to thank those members who have renewed. If you happen to receive a notice and you KNOW that you have received your 2025 membership card, please just throw the notice away. No need to let us know. If you have paid and have not received your 2025 membership card, then call or drop us a note. Mail does get damaged or lost, going both ways. I get two or three renewal letters that have been damaged to the point where I cannot tell who it was from, or the check is missing.
We are still receiving a few checks from those who have already paid their 2025 dues. I will try and contact those members and ask if they would like to apply this extra payment to pay their 2026 dues. Otherwise, I will return the checks or destroy them. Thanks for renewing Post 3.
Post 3 membership for 2025 is now $56.00 dollars, as the National and Nebraska Department both increased their dues by five dollars. Post 3 did not increase its dues for 2025, remaining at $11.00.
The current 2025 membership stands at 882, about 82% of our 2025 goal of 1066 paid members. Post 3 has 50 Department Life members and 122 PUFL members. 57 members have participated and paid their dues for 3 years.
For those who would like to renew for three years, you can do so by logging into Legion.Org and click the RENEWAL link. Then you will be given the opportunity to renew for three years. The rate for renewing will be at the current rate of $56.00 dollars. The advantage of renewing for three years is that you will save on any new dues increases for the next three years.
Nebraska Department Life members:
2025 membership cards have been mailed to the address we had on file. If you have not received yours, or have moved during the past year, please let us know so we can get them to you.
Member Information:
We would like to thank those who have provided the request for mailing address, phone number or email information. We have many members who have moved and we do not have a correct mailing address, phone number or an email address. The US Postal service returns mail that they do not have a forwarding address on. We try to track down those members who have moved, but many locations respond with, “no longer living here.”
For those members who have passed on to Post Ever Lasting. If you know of a member who has died, please let us know. This saves National and Post 3 postage on items which are returned to the Post. National has been printing on the back of the renewal slips the data that is in the Legion database. Please check and correct as needed so we can update our database. It makes it so much easier to reach out to you if needed.
Department of Veterans Affairs, VFW, DAV, AMVETS web sites:
These web sites are a great place to find current and helpful information on what Congress is currently working on and how it could affect you as a veteran. The VA website has many tips on filling claims and links to other VA services to which you are entitled. VA News veteransaffairs@messages.va.gov. The VFW, DAV, etc. do an excellent job of keeping track of Congressional activities that can or will affect veterans.
The Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs and your local County Service Office are there to serve you. They can pull up your records of military service and help track your claims you may have filed.
The members of the most current conflicts are now the backbone of not only the American Legion, but also the VFW, DAV, AMV, etc. Without these younger veterans we will no longer have a strong voice in Congress.
Without a strong voice in Congress, we will keep losing funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs and the VA Health Care System.
If you are a member of this group of veterans or know a veteran from these conflicts, please ask them if they are a member of a VSO (veteran service organization) and if not, ask them to please join. They may not be using VA services now but may wish to in the future. They may find that VA services have been cut back due to a lack of a strong voice in Congress.
On Friday 31st of January, the Nebraska Veterans Council held its 2025 Veteran’s Legislative Day. It was nice to see a great turnout. The Warner Chamber was filled and overflowing. These Veteran’s Legislative Days are a great way to learn about legislation that could affect you as a Veteran.
Again, Thanks for your Service and Thanks for being a member of Post 3. Remember to thank your fellow Veterans for their service also.
Ed Schnabel
Thanks for your service to your fellow Veterans and thanks for your service to this great country.
The Lincoln Clinic has served 11,397 veterans. 9% of veterans served were female veterans. 58% of veterans served are 65+ years old.
On an average day, the clinic serves 394 veterans. During FY23, 315 new veterans enrolled for service at the Lincoln campus.
A new service is being added; An Orthopedic Clinic is now seeing veterans in Lincoln.
Express Care, a walk-in service, for those who wish to have a nurse check out minor items. This care is available to those who might wish to see a VA nurse without an appointment during normal hours. Express Care hours have expanded from 0830 to 1900 at the Lincoln clinic.
Flu shots and Covid shots are currently being given, you need to call the clinic to schedule an appointment. VA clinics and hospitals no longer require the wearing of masks to enter clinics. Masks are available for those who still wish to wear them.
Want to serve your fellow Veterans? The VA can use more volunteers at your local clinic or hospital. You volunteer to help veterans in the clinic or hospital, or a veteran home. Or you can donate to your local clinic, hospital, or veteran’s home. They can always use a monetary donation, or you can donate activities bags for younger kids to have when they come to the clinic / hospital with a parent for their appointments. There is always a need for the younger kids who come with parents, grandparents, when too young to be left at home alone.
Clinics/hospitals can always use books, magazines, etc. for patients. You would need to check with the clinic/veteran’s home volunteer office to see what items they need or allow. This would be a great project for your church, school, or youth group.
With the signing of the PAC Act, more veterans have become eligible for services, not only for those who served boots on the ground, but anyone who has served since the Gulf War. If you have any questions, call your local service officer, VSO, county, or state. Only takes a few minutes to see if you might qualify for an increase, or a new VA disability rating.
Volunteer Services, Lincoln, CBOC, is looking into adding more services for our Veterans. Services like we had in the old Clinic; cookies, popcorn, coffee, etc.
God Bless,
Ed Schnabel
American Legion Representative to the Lincoln CBOC
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