Regular Meeting of American Legion Post 3
Lincoln Elks Lodge #80
May 14, 2024
Commander Bruce Gubser opened the May 14, 2024 meeting of American Legion Post 3 at 7:00 PM at the Lincoln Elks Lodge 80 with about 15 Legionnaires, 8 Auxiliary members, and 1 guest present.
Prior to conducting any business, Commander Gubser introduced Mike Wood of the Lincoln Vet Center for counseling and outreach. He gave a talk on the background of the center, the extent of its affiliation with the VA, and a summary of the services it offers to veterans in the Lincoln area.
Commander Gubser introduced Timothy Sweeny, an Air Force veteran and new member to Post 3; and he spoke briefly on his background.
Veterans of the various war eras (including a WW II veteran) were asked to stand and be recognized.
The minutes of the April 9, 2024 meeting were read and approved.
Ed Schnabel gave the financial report for the month ending April 30, 2024, showing a balance on hand of $38,136.95. Upon proper motion, the report was filed for review.
Ed also commented that he had received a call from someone in a Lincoln senior living center thanking Post 3 for the birthday card he had recently received.
Steve Bartos reported that he had been notified that an additional boy from Lincoln Southwest had been sponsored by Havelock Post 342 to attend Cornhusker Boys State. There are now 13 boys from the Lincoln area scheduled to attend.
Gerry Wolf reported that he and Ed Schnabel had attended the Chancellor’s Review at the University of Nebraska and handed 12 certificates and medals for military excellence and scholarship. He said that they also attended a ceremony at Lincoln Northeast High School and presented 2 medals there to cadets in their Air Force Junior ROTC program.
Gerry Wolf also reported that several members of the Honor Guard had presented the colors or otherwise attended the “Our Community Salutes” program recently held in Lincoln. It was reported that it was a very large event that honored high school seniors who had recently enlisted in the armed forces.
Gerry Wolf reported that the Honor Guard is getting geared up for all the activities around Memorial Day. He also pointed out that Scheel’s would be sponsoring their annual “flag exchange” on May 24th.
Commander Gubser reported for the Legion Riders, indicating that quite a few activities were planned in the coming weeks. The 40/8 meets next Tuesday. The Birthday Card program continues.
Steve Bartos reported that Curt Sanford had been hospitalized recently. He is recuperating from a spine injury suffered in a fall.
Adjutant Schnabel reported that we had 13 delegate cards allotted to us for the Department Convention and those planning to attend needed to see him.
Commander Gubser announced that nominations for next year’s officers take place at the May meeting. He then introduced Gerry Wolf, who he had appointed to chair the nomination committee. The nominating committee reported the following individuals had been nominated as follows:
Commander --- Bruce Gubser
1st Vice Commander --- Ron Hindmand
2nd Vice Commander --- Rich Lemmerman
3-Year Term on the Executive Committee --- Fred Craigie
Commander Gubser then asked for any additional nominations from the floor, and there were none. Nominations were closed, and the formality of electing this slate of candidates will take place at the June meeting.
Steve Bartos presented the TAPS report, and the meeting was closed in proper form at about 7:40 PM.
Steve Bartos
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