Greetings Legionnaires and the entire Lincoln Legion Family,
I hope that everyone had a great holiday season, a very Merry Christmas, and a fantastic New Year. I think over the holiday season, Lori and I attended about a dozen events plus a number of family gatherings. While it was great to see, and have fun with, everyone, I think that I’m ready for some downtime in January.
I’d like to take some time this month to recognize a great group of individuals in our Post who provide an outstanding service to our Veteran community. The Post 3 Honor Guard:
Who are the Post 3 Honor Guard members and what do they do? The Honor Guard is made up of about 20 dedicated, patriotic, American Legion members who range in age from a 94-year-old Korean War Veteran to a 55-year-old veteran who served during the Panama invasion era who provide funeral “Honors” and participate in other civic functions.
The average age of our Honor Guard is somewhere in the upper-70s, perhaps approaching 80. I'm 69, and one of the "younger" members. While these members do an awesome job, the question remains about how much longer these members will be able to help with “Honors” is uncertain. We need to recruit some new, younger members.
It would be a shame if these “Oldtimers” were not replaced as they step down and the Honor Guard disappear? We need to make sure that never happens. I am using this forum to offer more men and women the opportunity to join our Honor Guard.
Guard is made up of about 20 dedicated, patriotic, American Legion members. Please note that we are not asking you to do every funeral or function – only those for which you are able or available. The Post provides the uniform (at a cost of around $800), with the exception of the Legion cap.
The Honor Guard will teach you (or refresh your memory) on the most basic manual of arms (Attention, Port Arms, Present Arms, etc). We use the M1 Garand rifles for the 3 shot volley and Springfield ’03 rifles for Flag guard rifles. The average funeral will take about 2 hours of your time and we will render “Honors” in all kinds of weather.
The Honor Guard’s primary responsibility is to augment the Military Honors teams in rendering “Honors” to deceased military veterans. Under Federal law, the Department of Defense is responsible for providing military funeral “Honors” to eligible veterans when asked to do so. As a minimum, it requires an Honor Guard detail of at least two uniformed (currently serving) military persons (at least one from the veteran's parent service) and a bugler, if available. They will fold the burial flag, present the flag to the veteran's family, and play “Taps”.
The military Honor Guard detail may be augmented with volunteers who are military veterans, including retirees; members of veterans' service organizations (i.e. the American Legion, VFW); or other approved organizations. For us, this augmentation (Post 3 Honor Guard) includes the 3 shot volley and the playing of “Taps” by a live bugler supplied by the Lincoln Symphony Orchestra.
The Honor Guard is also available to participate in patriotic civic functions, and as previously mentioned we do this about a couple dozen times a year. Patriotic functions could be a Flag raising, a school visit, talks to students or other organizations, or possibly a visit to a retirement home to honor veterans living there. It is at these civic functions that we have an opportunity to make a positive impression on not only the general public, but to other Veterans who might not already belong to the American Legion.
If you are interested in joining the Honor Guard, please contact our Honor Guard Commander, Gerry Wolf (402-417-8230 or We would love to have you join us!
For God and Country,
Bruce Gubser,
Commander, Lincoln Post 3
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