The American Legion Riders participated in two parades in August: In Wilber on the 4th, and in Milford on the 17th. Our poker run was held on September 22nd. 90 poker hands were sold, and all 1000 rifle raffle tickets were sold also. The proceeds are divided evenly between the Wheels 4 Warriors project and the American Legion Disaster Relief Fund. Nothing exciting happened in October. We are planning on participating in the Veterans Day Parade in Lincoln on November 10th.
Neil Larson
ALR Chapter 3 Director
We are NOT a motorcycle club!
We are a part of the nation’s largest wartime veteran’s service organization, members of the American Legion “Family” (Legionnaires, Sons and Auxiliary members) who have joined together to ride our motorcycles for fun and fellowship and to remember and dedicate our self to our original purpose. Service to Our Country.
Being a part of the American Legion, the Riders are committed to:
1. Mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs for them in our communities,
2. Advocating patriotism and honor,
3. Promoting strong national security, and
4. Continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans.
True to the Legion's grassroots tradition, each local Riders chapter manages its programs at the post level. Annually the Post 3 Riders are part of many projects and events.
American Legion Riders Post #3 Lincoln, NE
The requirements for membership are.
A. An individual must be a current member of one of the following:
1. An American Legion Post
2. An American Legion Auxiliary Unit
3. A Sons of the American Legion Squadron
B. Each individual shall in order to establish and maintain membership, own (name on title) a motorcycle of at least 350cc in size (no ATV's) that is licensed and insured as required by Nebraska state law.
C.Each individual must have paid the required dues and submitted any required documentation annually.
Dues and Documentation of Membership
a. Dues will be $20.00 per calendar year. To remain a member annual dues will be required to be paid by April 1st, each year.
b. To insure accurate information on members is maintained, Members annually shall verify that the information contained on their original application is current and correct or provide any changes to the information at time of renewal of membership.
c. Persons joining the Chapter at any time during the year will be required to submit a completed Post 3 ALR application to verify they meet membership requirements and pay the annual dues for that year.
Membership qualification may be verified at any time by the Sergeant at Arms.
For History and info:
Leadership 2024
Director: Neil Larson
Assistant Director: John Humphrey
Secretary &
Membership: Mike Streeter
Treasurer: Lori Gubser
Road Captain: Bruce Gubser
Sergeant-at-Arms: Theo Silcock
Chaplain: Glen Masek
Our meetings are held the Third Thursday of every month, 7:00 PM @ the Denton Legion Club, 7226 Lancaster Avenue, Denton, NE 68339
ALR Post 3 Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2024
Denton American Legion Post 355
1800 Call to order- By Director
- Present Colors and MIA Chair
- Attention to colors – by Director
- Prayer offered – by Chaplain
- MIA chair – by Sgt at Arms
- Pledge of Allegiance – By Director
- Recitation of American Legion Riders Creed – by Director
Opening Introductions
- Officer Roll Call – by Secretary
Director -present
Assistant Director –present
Secretary -present
Treasurer –present
Ride Captain –present
Sergeant at Arms -present
Self-Introduction of 14 members present at this meeting and 4 guests.
Minutes from previous meeting – by Secretary
The November meeting minutes were posted on the Post 3 ALR web page, and on December 2nd all members were advised by email and asked to review. There were no additions, corrections, or deletions. Minutes approved as submitted.
Membership report - by Secretary, currently we have 41 paid members for 2024. Currently we have 23 paid 2025 members.
Financial Report – by Treasurer, reviewed the November report which was previously sent to all members on December 15th. The report indicated an ending balance of $1877.74. $44 was collected at this meeting for the Bunker Fund.
Reports from:
- Director – reported on the Rock Creek Renegades gun show where we will have a table selling tickets for our 2025-gun raffle. Need volunteers to sell tickets on January 24, 25 and 26 at the gun show. Thank you letter from Food Bank for our donation.
- Assistant Director - nothing
- Secretary - nothing
- Treasurer - nothing
- Ride Captain – nothing
- Arms – nothing
Reports from Committees:
- Gun Raffle committee member Ray Paulson resigned, and Eric Miksch appointed to replace.
Old Business:
- Streeter – Discussion on a Chapter shirt for all members, we can get these made - if we furnish the shirts, the embroidery or screen printing can be done by Bill Beede at UNL Innovation Studio’s by their Veterans Program at minimal cost. Show examples. Motion made and passed to table until next meeting.
New Business
- Director- Called for any additional nominations from the floor, then conducted the ballot on Officers for the year 2025. Streeter moved to approve the nominated officers, second by John Humphrey, unanimous approval.
- Elected were:
- Director -Bruce Gubser
- Deputy Director – Eric Miksch
- Secretary – Mike Streeter
- Treasurer - Lori Gubser
- Ride Captain -John Humphrey
Other Comments for the Good of the Chapter
- Hubert reported on the veteran’s celebration in Branson, Missouri.
Next meeting date and place:
- Denton Legion Club, January 16th, with meet and greet at 1800, meal provided at your own expense, and meeting to follow at 1900.
Adjournment – at 1837 by Director, followed by membership Christmas party.
Respectfully submitted by Mike Streeter, Secretary
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